National Parks of Nepal > Top 10 Famouse National Parks

Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas Nepal is a country blessed with breathtaking natural beauty.
With its diverse landscapes, rich biodiversity and majestic mountains, Nepal is home to
numerous national parks that attract nature lovers, wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers
from all over the world. In this article we will delve into the top 10 national parks in Nepal,
highlighting their unique features, wildlife and natural wonders.

1.Sagarmatha National Park:
Located in the Everest region, Sagarmatha National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
known for its pristine alpine forests, rugged terrains and of course Mount Everest—the world's
highest peak. The park is a sanctuary for various wildlife species, including the elusive snow
leopard, musk deer and Himalayan black bear.

2.Chitwan National Park:
One of Nepal's most renowned national parks, Chitwan National Park is located in the Terai
region. Famous for its diverse flora and fauna the park offers exciting wildlife experiences,
including jungle safaris, bird watching and elephant rides. It is home to the endangered one-
horned rhinoceros, Bengal tiger and hundreds of avian species.

3.Bardiya National Park:
Situated in the western lowland Terai, Bardiya National Park is a hidden gem known for its
pristine wilderness. The park boasts a remarkable population of Bengal tigers, Asiatic
elephants and Gangetic dolphins. With its untouched landscapes and tranquil ambiance,
Bardiya offers an off-the-beaten-path adventure for wildlife enthusiasts.

4.Langtang National Park:
Located near the capital city of Kathmandu, Langtang National Park is a haven for trekkers and
nature lovers. The park is known for its picturesque landscapes, serene valleys, and ancient
Tibetan-influenced cultures. Trekking in Langtang offers stunning views of snow-capped peaks,
including Langtang Lirung and Ganesh Himal.

5.Khaptad National Park:
Nestled in the far-western region of Nepal, Khaptad National Park is a remote and untouched
wilderness. The park's rolling meadows, lush forests and peaceful atmosphere make it an ideal
destination for those seeking solitude amidst nature. The park is renowned for its religious
significance, as it is the abode of Khaptad Baba, a revered Hindu sage.

6.Rara National Park:
Situated in the Mugu and Jumla districts of western Nepal, Rara National Park is home to the
pristine Rara Lake a gem of natural beauty. The park showcases a unique blend of flora and
fauna, including the rare red panda, musk deer and a variety of migratory birds. Rara Lake, with
its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding snow-capped peaks, is a sight to behold.
7.Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park:
Located on the northern fringe of Kathmandu Valley, Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park serves
as the lungs of the capital city. The park offers an escape from the urban chaos with its tranquil
forests, hiking trails, and panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley. It is a haven for
birdwatching enthusiasts, with over 300 avian species recorded in the area.

8.Makalu Barun National Park:
Encompassing the rugged terrains surrounding Mount Makalu the fifth highest peak in the
world—Makalu Barun National Park is a wilderness paradise. The park boasts a diverse range
of ecosystems, from lush forests to arctic-like landscapes. It is home to elusive wildlife such as
the snow leopard, Himalayan red panda, and the endangered red-billed chough.

9.Shey Phoksundo National Park:
Nestled in the Dolpa district of western Nepal, Shey Phoksundo National Park is a true gem of
the Himalayas. The park is renowned for its pristine wilderness, alpine meadows, and the
stunning Phoksundo Lake—the deepest lake in Nepal. Trekking in this region offers
breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, ancient Tibetan monasteries, and encounters with
rare wildlife like the elusive blue sheep and Himalayan wolf.

10.Banke National Park:
Situated in the mid-western Terai region, Banke National Park is a relatively new addition to
Nepal's national park system. The park is characterized by its diverse ecosystems, including
grasslands, riverine forests, and savannahs. It serves as an important habitat for the
endangered Bengal tiger, swamp deer, and several species of migratory birds.

Nepal's national parks offer a remarkable opportunity to immerse oneself in the country's
natural wonders, from the soaring peaks of the Himalayas to the lush jungles of the Terai. Each
national park has its own unique features, diverse wildlife, and awe-inspiring landscapes,
providing unforgettable experiences for visitors. Whether you are an adventure enthusiast, a
nature lover, or a wildlife enthusiast, exploring the top 10 national parks in Nepal will
undoubtedly leave you with lifelong memories of this extraordinary country's natural beauty.

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